Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Almost 300 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria are free, says state governor


Government officials had been in talks with kidnappers after third school attack in less than three months

All 279 Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped from their boarding school in the north-western state of Zamfara last week have been released and are on government premises, the governor of the state has said.

“It gladdens my heart to announce the release of the abducted students of GGSS Jangebe from captivity,” Bello Matawalle tweeted. “Our daughters are now safe.”

Hundreds of girls wearing hijabs were seen at the government premises, waiting to be reunited with their families.

Authorities initially said 317 girls were abducted in the raid by hundreds of gunmen on the Government Girls secondary school in the remote Jangebe village on Friday. But Matawalle said the total number of female students abducted was 279. “We thank Allah they are all now with us,” he said on Tuesday.

Government officials had been in talks with the kidnappers, known as bandits, after Nigeria’s third school attack in less than three months.

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Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Emmanuel Akinwotu in Lagos

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