Tuesday, June 30, 2020

“It’s not a hoax”: Dem Sen. Chris Murphy claims to have seen Russian bounty intel


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) tweeted Monday night that he reviewed intel alleging Russian operatives placed bounties on U.S. troops, telling President Trump “it’s not a hoax” and that “if [he] continue[s] ignoring the facts, more soldiers and marines are going to die.”

Why it matters: House Democrats are set to review the intelligence Tuesday morning, and will specifically be looking into Trump’s comments that he was never briefed on the bounties. Trump said Sunday night he was not briefed because officials did not find intelligence on the matter to be credible.

  • House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told CNN Monday night that it would not be “sufficient” for officials to have denied the president a briefing on the bounties just because it was inconclusive.
  • Schiff has called on the administration to provide a full House briefing on the matters and signaled that congressional hearings are likely.

What they’re saying: White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has denied that Trump or Vice President Mike Pence were briefed, as first reported by the New York Times.

  • McEnancy said on Monday that there is “no consensus within the intelligence community on these allegations.” She would not say if information on the bounties was included in the President’s Daily Brief.

Source: https://www.axios.com/trump-russia-democrats-house-bounties-military-3de98406-0608-4839-9a4d-7dca9b7786ee.html
Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Ursula Perano

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