Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Clearview AI, controversial facial-recognition company focused on cybersecurity, gets hacked

Clearview AI, controversial facial-recognition company focused on cybersecurity, gets hacked

Clearview AI, the creepy facial-recognition company that scrapes your photos from social media, has been hacked.

According to a report by The Daily Beast, hackers accessed data including “its entire list of customers, the number of searches those customers have made and how many accounts each customer had set up.”

Yes, a company primarily focused on cybersecurity was hit with a data breach. Not a great look, guys!

In a notice sent to clients, which was reviewed by The Daily Beast, the company claimed there was “no compromise of Clearview’s systems or network,” the breach was fixed, and that none of the clients’ search histories were accessed.  Read more…

More about Cybersecurity, Hacking, Facial Recognition, Clearview Ai, and Tech

Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Marcus Gilmer

! #Headlines, #DataBreach, #Mashable, #Privacy, #Surveillance, #TechNews, #TechnologyNews, #Newsfeed, #syndicated, news

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