Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trevor Noah unpacks the barriers that limit mental health care access in the black community

Trevor Noah unpacks the barriers that limit mental health care access in the black community

The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah wants to break down the obstacles that limit mental health care access in the black community. 

In his latest “If You Don’t Know, Now You Know” segment, he walked through the major barriers that keep members of the black community from receiving crucial mental health services. 

For one, there are the racial inequalities in diagnosis. 

“One of the reasons many black people don’t get the proper treatment is misdiagnosis,” Noah said. “What is seen as depression in white people can be seen as ‘disruptive behavior’ in black people.” 

Making matters worse, there’s a stark scarcity of black therapists. This makes it incredibly difficult for black people to find a black therapist, Noah says.   Read more…

More about Mental Health, Daily Show, Trevor Noah, Therapy, and Late Night Show

Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Natasha Pinon

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