Tuesday, December 17, 2019

George Conway and other conservative critics launch PAC to take down Trump


A group of conservative critics of President Donald Trump — including lawyer George Conway, husband of White House aide Kellyanne Conway — is launching a super PAC that will spend the next year working against Trump’s reelection and Trump loyalism within the GOP.

“Patriotism and the survival of our nation in the face of the crimes, corruption and corrosive nature of Donald Trump are a higher calling than mere politics,” the founders of the Lincoln Project wrote in a New York Times opinion piece published Tuesday. “As Americans, we must stem the damage he and his followers are doing to the rule of law, the Constitution and the American character.”

The group also pledged to transcend partisanship to preserve Constitutional principles. Trump “has neither the moral compass nor the temperament to serve,” the group wrote.

George Conway, a conservative lawyer who has frequently offered scathing criticism of Trump, has created political headaches for Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump’s most loyal advisers. George Conway and Trump have exchanged pointed barbs, with Conway calling for the president’s impeachment for what he says is corrupt behavior and Trump calling Conway a “husband from hell.”

Now, as Conway is campaigning against his wife’s boss, questions are sure to continue about the couple’s opposing political stances.

Other principals in the group include Steve Schmidt, a former adviser to John McCain; John Weaver, the chief strategist for John Kasich’s presidential campaign in 2016; and Republican political strategist Rick Wilson.

The group is aiming to raise and spend millions of dollars on advertising to dissuade Republican voters from backing Trump’s reelection bid.

“Those wounds can be bound up only once the threat has been defeated,” the Lincoln Project founders wrote. “So, too, will our country have to knit itself back together after the scourge of Trumpism has been overcome.”

Article originally published on POLITICO Magazine

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/17/george-conway-pac-donald-trump-086426
Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: amarshall@politico.com (Abbey Marshall)

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