Sunday, May 26, 2019

De Blasio: I get under Trump’s skin

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio may not be soaring in the polls, but he says he has one thing going for him that his fellow 2020 Democratic candidates don’t — he’s been watching President Donald Trump for years and knows all of his tricks.

“I know something about Donald Trump that’s different from the other candidates, because I watched him for decades,” de Blasio told Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday morning, speaking of his fellow New Yorker.

“I understand his game plan. I understand his tricks and his strategies, and I do get under his skin. I called him on the first day of my campaign, I called him ‘Con Don’ because he is a con artist. That’s how he’s gotten ahead.”

However, de Blasio is struggling in another aspect of the presidential race. He has the lowest favorability ratings in the 2020 Democratic presidential field, with 76 percent of New York City voters saying they didn’t want him to run for president, an April Quinnipiac University poll showed. Also, 65 percent of statewide Democrats said that would be unhappy if he secured the nomination next year, according to a Marist College poll.

But he isn’t going to let that slow him down.

“Voters are going to get to know me, as is true in every election,” de Blasio said. “I’ve had two elections in New York City and won both overwhelmingly. So the people in my city decided they wanted this leadership because it puts working people first. That’s what I do, and people ultimately, after they hear all the facts and look at all the choices, they want someone who knows how to support working people.”

“I’ll tell you, and I’ve found this with polls over and over again,” he added. “If I believed the polls and listened to the polls in all my other elections, I might have just stayed home. But it’s not where you start, it’s where you end. So much of the time, the polls don’t tell us the truth. When people get to know you and see what you’re about, that’s what they respond to.”

Article originally published on POLITICO Magazine

Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: (Aubree Eliza Weaver)

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