Who should end up on the Iron Throne? We’ve got some ideas.
If Game of Thrones actually ends with someone on the eponymous Throne and not the mass-zombification of every character we’ve come to know and love, then there can only be one answer for whom should sit upon the Iron Throne: Daenerys Targaryen.
Listen up, fives: Daenerys Stormborn was commanding a whole-ass Khalasar before Jon Snow had even left Castle Black to meet his first girlfriend. She studied the culture and language of the Dothraki to earn their respect and love as Khaleesi. She inspired loyalty that lasted well beyond Khal Drogo’s death as the Khalasar accompanied her to Qarth and even across the Narrow Sea, which no Dothraki had ever crossed before. Read more…
More about Entertainment, Television, Hbo, Game Of Thrones, and Daenerys Targaryen
Source: https://mashable.com/article/daenerys-should-end-up-iron-throne-game-thrones/
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The Article Was Written/Published By: Proma Khosla
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