Monday, March 1, 2021

Brazil Covid variant: what do we know about P1?


Six cases have been detected in Britain. What threat does the variant pose, and how is it different?

Two coronavirus variants have been detected in Brazil, or in people who have travelled from Brazil, called P1 and P2. They are similar but it is P1 that is causing concern in the UK, after the detection of six cases – three in England and three in Scotland. The hunt is on for more – and to identify one of the people infected, who appears not to have registered their full details with NHS test and trace.

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Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Sarah Boseley Health editor

! #Headlines, #CoronaVirus, #Health, #Newsfeed, #Trending, Brazil, covid19, pandemic, #Coronavirus, #News, #UK, #WorldNews

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