Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Biden swears in staffers and appointees — and threatens to fire anyone who is disrespectful


President Joe Biden swore in dozens of appointees and staffers on Wednesday evening, urging them to treat one another with respect or else “I will fire you on the spot.”

Speaking in the State Dining Room, Biden reiterated his long-held commitment to decency, telling the appointees that they’re “working with the most decent government in the world, and we have to restore the soul of this country, and I’m counting on all of you to be part of that.”

“Everyone, every single person, regardless of their background, is entitled to be treated with dignity,” Biden said. “I expect you to do that for all the folks you deal with.”

Though he did not mention former President Donald Trump by name, his message of treating others with respect and addressing the pressing issues of racism, economic inequality and climate change came in stark contrast to the turbulence of the Trump White House. He added that their loyalties lay with the American people, not him — another contrast with Democrats’ frequent criticism that the former president valued personal loyalty above all else.

“People don’t work for us, we work for the people,” Biden said. “I work for the people. They pay my salary. They pay your salary.”

The swearing-in took place over a video conference in the White House because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden was asked at the end of the ceremony whether he was concerned the Senate wouldn’t confirm his cabinet nominations quickly enough, to which he replied, “No.”

“I’m confident we can move quickly,” he said.

Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Matthew Choi

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