Friday, December 11, 2020

The magnifying glass: how Covid revealed the truth about our world


The pandemic has illuminated deprivation, inequalities and political unrest, while reminding us of the power and beauty of nature and humanity

What might be the enduring symbol of the coronavirus that turned our world upside down in 2020? Might it be those Thursday evenings of spring and summer when, at the stroke of 8pm, Britons overcame the national traits of embarrassment and reserve and ventured out on to the doorstep to applaud doctors, nurses and key workers, banging saucepans and nodding to neighbours in a synchronised “clap for carers”? Or might it be the first sign that trouble was coming this way, that footage of Italians singing to each other from their balconies in a ritual that seemed as exotic, distant and unlikely then as the very notion of a “lockdown”, back before that dramatically punitive word lost its sting?

A chequerboard computer screen of faces as Zoom became the prime means of face-to-face contact with those who didn’t live under one roof? The smaller, quieter sight of families visiting grandparents but getting no further than the garden path, toddlers waving through the glass at elderly relatives?

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Droolin’ Dog sniffed out this story and shared it with you.
The Article Was Written/Published By: Jonathan Freedland

! #Headlines, #CoronaVirus, #Newsfeed, #People, #Politics, #Trending, pandemic, #Coronavirus, #Health, #News

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