Friday, February 22, 2019

Trump news – LIVE: House resolution to overturn national emergency introduced as president tells African-Americans ‘look at the progress you’ve made’

Trump news - LIVE: House resolution to overturn national emergency introduced as president tells African-Americans ‘look at the progress you’ve made’House Democrats have filed their “resolution of disapproval” challenging Donald Trump‘s decision to call a national emergency in order to build a wall on the US southern border with Mexico. While the president has claimed there is a “crisis” of illegal immigration in the United States, Democrats have questioned his motives — and noted that Mr Trump himself has suggested that he did not need to declare the emergency. Meanwhile Ahmed Ali Muthana, the father of Alabama Isis bride Hoda Muthana, announced he is suing the administration for its “unlawful attempt” to rescind her citizenship and block a return to the US.

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