Monday, January 7, 2019

Trump to travel to the southern border as shutdown deal remains elusive


President Donald Trump plans to visit the southern border on Thursday, signaling that the president is not easing off his demands for billions in border wall funding that have pushed the government into its second-longest shutdown in U.S. history.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a tweet on Monday that the president will “meet with those on the frontlines of the national security and humanitarian crisis.”

It is unclear where exactly the president will travel to, as the U.S.-Mexico border extends from Texas to California. Sanders added that more details will be announced soon.

Lawmakers and Trump appear no closer to a deal to reopen the government, which has been partially shut down for 17 days. The president has demanded that Congress allocate $5.7 billion to build a “steel barrier,” but in recent days he has also increasing talked about declaring a national emergency to construct his proposed wall.

Article originally published on POLITICO Magazine


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The Article Was Written/Published By: (Rebecca Morin)

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