Saturday, August 18, 2018

How Slender Man embodies the fears of our digital age

When the internet created the Slender Man, it did not realize it had made manifest the fears of a whole generation adrift in the digital age. Faceless, amorphous, and boundless, the tall black-suited figure sprang from the crowdsourced anxieties of our online hivemind. Countless internet urban legends existed before and after him. But Slender rose above all, his empty face an uncanny reflection of the virtual void we summoned him from. Recently Hollywood tried to capitalize on his internet phenomenon with a movie that received a resounding "meh." Unsurprisingly, movie execs fail to grasp exactly what makes the legend of a nefarious man in a business suit so terrifying to millennials. Read more... More about Watercooler, Entertainment, Digital Age, Slender Man, and Beware The Slenderman source: #Headlines by: Jess Joho

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