Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Iraq War cheerleaders who are still around 15 years later

The Iraq War cheerleaders who are still around 15 years later Media Matters for America (blog)“It Was a Crime”: 15 Years After US Invasion, Iraqis Still Face Trauma, Destruction & Violence Democracy Now!A dozen Iraq War myths that need to die Washington ExaminerWe ignore these Iraq War lessons at our peril CNNFull coverage source: https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2018/03/20/18-iraq-war-cheerleaders-who-are-still-around-15-years-later/219688 #Headlines by:

Original Post: https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2018/03/20/18-iraq-war-cheerleaders-who-are-still-around-15-years-later/219688

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