Thursday, March 1, 2018

Gun control hopes dashed as lawmakers signal shift to banking reform | Droolin Dog dot Net

After a flurry of activity and a sense of urgency in the face of public outrage, lawmakers left Washington without passing gun legislation In just three weeks, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators are expected to march on Washington to demand Congress act to prevent gun violence, in the aftermath of the Parkland massacre last month. But on Thursday, lawmakers left Washington after their first week back since the Florida school shooting – without a plan. There was a flurry of activity on Capitol Hill and a sense of urgency in both parties that inaction was no longer an option in the face of public outrage, led by the Florida students who survived the attack. Continue reading… Source: Tags: *Headlines*, #Headlines, #TheNewz, Guns and Weapons | #Guns, World News | #WorldNews, #TopNews, #Trending

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