Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Watch: CollegeHumor takes us on a safari through the media industry | Droolin Dog dot Net

“Sadly, the endangered species of ‘real journalism’ now exists almost entirely in captivity … behind a paywall.” To mark the kickoff of Code Media 2018, CollegeHumor decided to go wild, literally. The comedy site opened this year’s conference with a hilarious guide to the media industry, in the style of a British nature documentary. And now you can watch the whole video here: “Sadly, the endangered species of ‘real journalism’ now exists almost entirely in captivity … behind a paywall,” says the not-quite-David-Attenborough narrator. Among other sites, the video also visits the “Amazon rainforest,” which is expanding into homes, drones and food; the “media ocean,” where journalists have discovered bitcoin and “can’t shut the fuck up about it”; and the “content plains,” where seemingly every company is excreting mountains of unwatchable original content. “Though it may look terrible,” the narrator intones, “it is terrible.” Source: https://www.recode.net/2018/2/13/17005454/collegehumor-code-media-conference-safari-nature-documentary-funny-full-video Tags: > Tech and Science | #ScienceTech, #IndieBrew, Humor & Comedy | #Comedy, IndieBrew, #MusicNews

Original Post: https://droolindog.net/2018/02/13/watch-collegehumor-takes-us-on-a-safari-through-the-media-industry/

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