Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Trump’s New Campaign Manager Is Already Facebook’s Worst Nightmare | Droolin Dog dot Net

He’s running!!! Again. On Tuesday, President Trump announced that Brad Parscale, his digital strategist, will serve as campaign manager for his reelection effort. This is, basically, the worst possible news for Facebook right now, and it’s already causing political trouble for the social media giant. Read more… Source: https://gizmodo.com/trumps-new-campaign-manager-is-already-facebooks-worst-1823372993 Tags: > Tech and Science | #ScienceTech, #pch3lp, #TechNews, pch3lp, PCH3lp, Social Networks | #Social, TechNews

Original Post: https://droolindog.net/2018/02/27/trumps-new-campaign-manager-is-already-facebooks-worst-nightmare/

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