Tuesday, February 27, 2018

“Of Cuba And The World To Come” by Photographer Sam Parkes | Droolin Dog dot Net

Photographer Sam Parkes traveled throughout Cuba documenting the country’s youth and trying to ascertain their visions of and attitude toward the future. As he shared with us: “The nature of a photograph is limitation. I wanted the images to push those limits, to fill the space both physically and viscerally, to capture in the composition of an image an intensity, a longing, a desire for new possibilities, a forging of a world to come.” This project was submitted by Sam Parkes and selected as an Editor Pick. Click here if you have a project you’d like to share! Source: https://www.booooooom.com/2018/02/27/of-cuba-and-the-world-to-come-by-photographer-sam-parkes/ Tags: #IndieBrew, Arts and stuff | #Art, IndieBrew, random, #MusicNews, Photography & Photos | #Photos

Original Post: https://droolindog.net/2018/02/27/of-cuba-and-the-world-to-come-by-photographer-sam-parkes/

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