Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Litecoin surges ahead of upcoming hard fork | Droolin Dog dot Net

Litecoin (LTC) has had a rough few months. From its all-time high of $375 in December, the Bitcoin fork dropped to a mere $105 just nine days ago. Along the way it seemingly lost support from its creator, Charlie Lee, who sold all of his holdings late last year. But things are looking up again. From its recent low of $105, LTC has spiked over 100 percent to hit prices of $212 as of this writing. In the last 24 hours alone, the volatile cryptocurrency is up more than 30 percent. But why? LTC seems to be soaring on news… This story continues at The Next Web Source: Tags: > Tech and Science | #ScienceTech, #pch3lp, #TechNews, Cryptocurrency | #Cryptocurrency, pch3lp, PCH3lp, TechNews

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