Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Facebook launches a local news accelerator for publishers | Droolin Dog dot Net

Facebook is trying to play extra nice with local news publishers by putting $3 million behind the launch of the Local News Subscriptions Accelerator. The three-month pilot program will help 10 to 15 U.S.-based metropolitan news organizations gain more digital subscribers both on and off Facebook. Read More Source: https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/27/facebook-launches-a-local-news-accelerator-for-publishers/?ncid=rss Tags: > Tech and Science | #ScienceTech, #pch3lp, #TechNews, Apps and Programs | #Apps, Fake News | #FakeNews, pch3lp, PCH3lp, TechNews

Original Post: https://droolindog.net/2018/02/27/facebook-launches-a-local-news-accelerator-for-publishers/

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