Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Arctic warming: scientists alarmed by ‘crazy’ temperature rises | Droolin Dog dot Net

Record warmth in the Arctic this month could yet prove to be a freak occurrence, but experts warn the warming event is unprecedented An alarming heatwave in the sunless winter Arctic is causing blizzards in Europe and forcing scientists to reconsider even their most pessimistic forecasts of climate change. Although it could yet prove to be a freak event, the primary concern is that global warming is eroding the polar vortex, the powerful winds that once insulated the frozen north. Continue reading… Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/feb/27/arctic-warming-scientists-alarmed-by-crazy-temperature-rises Tags: *Headlines*, #Headlines, #TheNewz, Climate Change | #ClimateChange, World News | #WorldNews, #TopNews, #Trending

Original Post: https://droolindog.net/2018/02/27/arctic-warming-scientists-alarmed-by-crazy-temperature-rises/

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