Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A bogus free-speech argument at the Supreme Court is union-busting in the name of the 1st Amendment | Droolin Dog dot Net

On Monday the Supreme Court was asked — again — to engage in some union-busting in the name of the 1st Amendment. Specifically, the justices were asked to rule that public employee unions may not require non-members to pay a fee to defray the cost of collective bargaining and other services from… Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-ed-scotus-unions-20180227-story.html Tags: *Headlines*, #Headlines, #TheNewz, news, #TopNews, #Trending

Original Post: https://droolindog.net/2018/02/27/a-bogus-free-speech-argument-at-the-supreme-court-is-union-busting-in-the-name-of-the-1st-amendment/

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