Saturday, December 2, 2017

What’s At Stake: The Current Landscape On LGBTQ Nondiscrimination Protections | Droolin Dog dot Net

A few weeks ago, I started my new job as CEO at Freedom for All Americans with no lack of a comprehensive to-do list. The LGBTQ movement is at a critical juncture. The federal political climate has left many feeling hopeless and discouraged as the Trump administration proves itself at best unpredictable, and at worst committed to stripping us of our dignity. At the state level, we’re defending ourselves from hostile legislation and doing everything we can to identify opportunities to advance proactive nondiscrimination protections. And key cases continue to make their way through the courts. In fact, the Masterpiece case – which concerns a Colorado bakery that turned away a same-sex couple – will go before the U.S. Supreme Court on December 5. What’s at stake in Masterpiece is nothing short of the integrity and enforceability of nondiscrimination laws writ large. The landscape can often feel overwhelming, but we can’t lose hope now. Like many current leaders in the movement, I’ve been working for LGBTQ equality for decades. Over the course of my career, LGBTQ rights have exploded as one of the biggest issues of our time. The fight to win marriage equality was indisputably one of the most successful social movements in recent American history in terms of messaging, organizing, and sheer growth in support over a short number of years. And in less than a decade, the trajectory of transgender rights has accelerated from relative obscurity into a transformative national conversation. More… Source: Tags: #IndieBrew, Civil Rights | #CivilRights, IndieBrew, LGBTQ | #LGBT, news, #MusicNews

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