Sunday, December 17, 2017

Politics and Jedis: Mark Hamill slams Ted Cruz on net neutrality | Droolin Dog dot Net

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Luke Skywalker tussled Sunday over who is right about the very real topic of net neutrality. “Luke, I know Hollywood can be confusing, but it was Vader who supported govt power over everything said & done on the Internet,” Cruz, or someone for the Republican senator, wrote on his official Twitter account, addressing “@HammillHimself.” The Texas senator is no stranger to snarky tweets, but his defense of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai presented an opening for actor Mark Hamill to remind him of an embarrassing viral episode. Newly returned on the big screen in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” his latest portrayal of Skywalker, Hamill reminded Cruz that past tweets — or in this case, likes — can always be a trap. “Thanks for smarm-spaining it to me @tedcruz I know politics can be confusing, but you’d have more credibility if you spelled my name correctly. I mean IT’S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU! Maybe you’re just distracted from watching porn at the office again❤️-mh,” Hamill retorted, slamming both the misspelling of his last name as “Hammill” and the publicity surrounding Cruz’s like of a pornographic tweet in September. Cruz later said a staffer inadvertently liked the tweet in question. The Twitter beef between the senator and Hamill began when the actor slammed Pai over a video the chairman made for the conservative Daily Caller. Pai pushed back on fears of his push to overturn Obama administration regulations on net neutrality by citing a number of things you can still do on the internet, including Instagraming your food, dancing the Harlem Shake (a dance craze/meme that was popular in 2013) and taking part in your favorite fandom — in this case, “Star Wars.” Ever the protector of the franchise, Hamill took issue with Pai’s wielding of a lightsaber, tweeting that Pai was “profoundly unworthy 2 wield a lightsaber-A Jedi acts selflessly for the common man-NOT lie 2 enrich giant corporations.” Led by Pai, the FCC last week overturned net neutrality rules, which required internet service providers to treat all traffic equally. Pai and conservatives like Cruz defend the move as a way to get big government out of the internet. Consumer advocates are afraid that it will allow those providers to offer tiered plans that would charge more for particular websites. Source: Tags: #IndieBrew, IndieBrew, news, #MusicNews

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