Saturday, December 9, 2017

DNC Unity Commission Agrees On Slate Of Historic Reforms | Droolin Dog dot Net

WASHINGTON ― At its final meeting on Friday and Saturday, the Democratic National Committee's Unity and Reform Commission agreed to a set of dramatic revisions aimed at restoring faith in the presidential nomination process and the management of the DNC. The 21-member panel, which held its ultimate gathering in a conference room at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C., is recommending the effective abolition of some 60 percent of superdelegates to the presidential nominating convention. It has also presented a set of measures designed to increase accessibility to presidential primaries and caucuses, as well as reforms aimed at opening up DNC budgetary and administrative processes to greater scrutiny through, among other things, the creation of an ombudsmen council. More… Source: Tags: #news, #NewsDog, #TopNews, Elections | #Elections, news, #LatestNews, News

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