Sunday, November 12, 2017

Trump tried this special handshake and the photos aren't too... flattering

Donald Trump, well-noted aficionado of the dominant handshake, found himself in unfamiliar greeting territory on Monday. Joining other world leaders at the ASEAN Summit in the Philippines, the U.S. President was required to perform the special "ASEAN handshake" with Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, who stood next to him. SEE ALSO: Trump's still tweeting from China even through the country's Twitter ban To explain, it's a handshake with two people next to you, with the key difference being your arms need to be crossed over your body. It's a terribly, terribly awkward maneuver, and Trump is clearly bemused by the whole thing. Read more... More about Politics, Donald Trump, Philippines, Trump, and Asean Johnny Lieu #politics #TheNewz #DDNews

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