Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rand Paul retweets stories casting doubt on ‘landscaping dispute’ reports

Sen. Rand Paul seemed to call into question Wednesday evening media reports that the man who assaulted him had been motivated by a feud over landscaping.

Paul was attacked last week as he mowed the lawn at his Bowling Green, Kentucky, home. Paul’s attacker, his neighbor, 59-year-old retired doctor Rene Boucher, allegedly tackled the senator as he was mowing his lawn and has been charged with misdemeanor assault. The Courier Journal, Louisville’s newspaper, reported earlier this week that the two men had feuded regularly over landscaping issues.

But Paul appeared to dispute that notion with a pair of posts to Twitter on Wednesday, linking to a Breitbart News story headlined “Rand Paul’s neighbors say reports blaming savage assault on ‘landscaping dispute’ are fake news” and one from The Washington Examiner headlined “Rand Paul’s neighbors rip media ‘landscaping dispute’ reports.”

In its report, The Washington Examiner said Boucher’s social media accounts were peppered with posts critical of President Donald Trump and of Republicans, although it stopped short of suggesting that the attack was politically motivated.

Earlier Wednesday, Paul offered an update on his condition, telling his Twitter followers that he had six broken ribs and pleural effusion, a buildup of fluid between the chest and the lungs.

“Kelley and I appreciate the overwhelming support after Friday’s unfortunate event. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers,” Paul (R-Ky.) wrote on Twitter. “I appreciate all of the support from everyone. A medical update: final report indicates six broken ribs & new X-ray shows a pleural effusion.” (Louis Nelson)
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