TRENTON, N.J. — New Jersey’s incoming Democratic governor has promised to legalize marijuana, but just how speedy Phil Murphy and the Democrat-led Legislature can be remains murky. The effort’s top legislative backers say they have a proposal ready to go soon after Murphy succeeds GOP Gov. Chris Christie on Jan. 16, and Murphy has given no indication of backing off his promise. But already key Democratic lawmakers are urging caution, and Republicans, trounced in the election, look unlikely to help Murphy deliver on full legalization. Groups supporting legalization say they expected calls for caution and say it’s better to take a deliberative approach to engender as much buy-in from legislators and the public, as opposed to ramming legislation through quickly. “I believe we can be thoughtful and methodical in a 100-day window,” said Scott Rudder, president of the New Jersey CannaBusiness Association, a pro-pot legalization trade group. Read the rest of this story at Source: Tags: *Headlines*, > 420News | #420, #Headlines, #TheNewz, 420 | #News420, Cannabis and Hemp | #Cannabis, Government and Taxes | #Government, Idiots and Assholes | #IdiotsAndAssholes, #TopNews, #Trending
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